When Other Helpdesks in Your Organization Shirk Their Duties…
Article by Donna Earl
Dear Help Desk Coach,
I work for a state government network help desk. A lot of our time is taken up by employees in many departments calling my help desk, when they should be first contacting the helpdesk of their particular agency. OR sometimes the user does contact their agency’s help desk, but the user is told to contact us even though the agency helpdesk is the appropriate problem solver. This creates a lot of frustration for the employees and for my help desk. How can I bring this to the attention of the CIO so agency helpdesks do their jobs?
Frustrated Network Lead
Dear Frustrated,
What a waste of everyone’s time and energy! Shame on the agency helpdesk agents who do not listen to the user’s issue and help. They are falling down on the job! I recently worked with a state IT helpdesk which had centralized all IT support for all agencies, and for all the headaches the centralization produced, at least state employees/users are provided support in a setting which promotes fcr (first call resolution). I applaud your idea to write a letter to the CIO, who probably is not aware of the problem, nor the negative impact. I would begin the letter with a brief description of the problem and let the CIO know that the solution you propose has key benefits: 1) enhanced employee productivity due to more efficient IT problem solving 2) more effective use of help desk personnel. I would provide an estimate of how many calls are misdirected, the amount of time this steals from your helpdesk’s real responsibilities, and if possible a listing of the top ‘offending’ agency helpdesks. Your idea of sharing a list of troubleshooting questions for other help desks agents to utilize is really constructive. If your manager has already been in contact with other help desk managers and they have not held their respective help desks responsible, your letter to the CIO shows respect for the employee productivity and resources of your state.
Help Desk Coach
Donna Earl is an international expert in Customer Service. She specializes in helping technical help desks deliver world class customer service. To use this article, Contact Us for permission.
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